韓國冬天寒冷,家家有地板暖氣設備(古時候是暖地炕),所以韓國人有席地而坐的習慣. 不論進學校進餐館及入家門都要脫鞋(喪家弔祭也脫鞋),光著腳或穿破襪子見人被視為不禮貌的行為,也因為這樣韓國有各式各樣花俏和正式的襪子.
在餐館裡很少看到有光著腳Y的人. 啊~~~我這個台灣人很喜歡光著腳耶!
(會不會是因為要有禮貌,所以有些大嬸才會穿涼鞋再加襪子的啊! 韓國女人都很愛美的耶!)
愛美的金婆婆在家也會穿著襪子,但夏天穿涼鞋就沒有加襪子了這樣會不會沒有禮貌啊??! 沒關係的啦!老人在韓國的地位很高.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Flat Stanley
Flat Stanely is a timeless children's book by Jeff Brown, working on letter writing skills. The main character is flattened by a bulletin board falling on him while he is sleeping. This condition leads Stanley into various adventures, including being mailed to friends in another state.
We were very happy to have Stanely visited us from US to Korea, and we took him to experience the screen golf. Stanely is going to arrive in America next week.
Flat Stanley Tours
Stanley can also help students learn about places around the world in geography. After hearing or reading the story Flat Stanley, students can make and decorate a stick figure or paper “Stanley” (or “Stephanie”) that will fit into an envelope. As in the above idea, have the students compose a letter asking friends and/or relatives to let Stanley “visit” for the next month (or whatever length of time you choose) and to return him at the end of that time with descriptions and pictures (preferably including him) of the places he visited and experiences he had. A brief questionnaire could be included to help the “hosts” provide information of interest to your students. Be sure to include information about how and when to return Stanley. Then help students address and send Stanley with all the necessary enclosures on his adventurous trip.
韓國新聞也報導3/5日在台灣南部的甲仙大地震, 台灣位處歐亞大陸板塊和菲律賓海板塊的交界處, 地震對台灣人來說一點都不稀奇.金婆婆和金先生至目前為止還沒經歷過真實的地震, 看到新聞畫面時直說好恐怖,但我想如果沒有親身經歷地震時身旁全有事物一起搖動的感覺,是很難真正體會什麼叫做地震的恐怖.
(金先生說: 人生中還是不想要有這種經驗,哈哈!)
這是經濟部中央地質調查所Central Geological Survey, MOEA, 結合Google earth 台灣活動斷層查詢系統(GIS線上查詢)可查自家是否地處於斷層帶上.
(金先生說: 人生中還是不想要有這種經驗,哈哈!)
這是經濟部中央地質調查所Central Geological Survey, MOEA, 結合Google earth 台灣活動斷層查詢系統(GIS線上查詢)可查自家是否地處於斷層帶上.
Friday, March 05, 2010
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
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