Thursday, January 19, 2006


According to a research, human being's nature is vegetarian. there are some reasons below:
  • wild animals teeth are sharp because its use teeth to tear meats, and our teeth are flat to rub the foods.
  • our intestine is longer than the vertebra about seven times, and intestine of carnivorous is the triple of the vertebra. the meat is easily putrefied, so the intestine is shorter in carnivorous animals.
  • suppose that you are in a beautiful park, the weather is find, your emotion is good, there have a apple tree of full with apple, and there also have wild goose swimming in a beautiful pool. everything is allright. when you hunger for eating, what will be you food? apple or goose? most people will choose the apple for eating in this nature.
Here are some reasons for you to refuse to eat meats.
  • animals are similar to human being to all have tempe that an uncontrolled feeling of anger and produce the chemistry of toxin. you can recall the experiences that after you had angered, your physiology of engery will have particularly more power and animation. after that you will feel better and tired.
  • our body is partial to the alkali, and eating too many meats will get sour of body. when body get sour, our chmistry of body will balance itself. therefore, calcium of bones will be choose for this balance to neutralize sour and alkali. this is one reason of osteoporosis why people get hurt and not easy recovered completely.
  • eating meat person have seven time of toxin than vegetarian. for example, a chicken, firtsly, when it lives in a large henhouse with thousands chickens to avoid them peck each other, the owner cut its beak off, hence its moon is not good. secondly, farmer want to earn more money in short time, they use hormone to stimiate chicken's growth. thirdly, the chicken's owner use antibiotics to kill virus for protectiveness of chicken's health. finally, farmer also will use protectant to protect environment. therefore, people eat chicken equal to eat protectant, hormone, and antibiotics.
  • more people eat meat more plants will be cut, because plants and trees are animal's food. when trees and plants redurse, planet must face the greenhouse effect that the climate will get warming than before.

Honey, eating vegetable protect not only our body but also our planet. If one animal extinction completely and other animals certainly revel, I think that animal must be human being.

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