一個嫁到富家的善良女子恩才(張瑞姬 飾),因為自己未來的大嫂,也是自己的好友艾莉愛上自己的丈夫橋彬,她甚至被丈夫和艾莉聯手陷害。大難不死的她,搖身一變,成了一個可怕的妖婦,開始對兩人進行報復。因背叛和陰謀經歷一次死亡的恩才,最後成為復仇女神展開了一場驚心的復仇故事。家境清寒,心地善良的恩才,畢業後在橋彬苦苦的追求下,年紀輕輕就嫁給了橋彬,婚後一直被被婆婆瞧不起,但她卻百般忍讓,後來,她不但被親如姐妹的好友艾莉搶走了丈夫,丈夫並逼她離婚,並逼她拿掉腹中的胎兒,而將她推入大海…逃過一劫大難不死的她,為了報仇,搖身變成另外一個女人,並重新誘惑前夫,決心要徹底破壞前夫的家庭…
韓文不精的我,仗著幾句簡單的對話及演員的肢體表演,也大約的參與了這部韓劇. 重聽覺及視覺效果的我,推薦一下女主角的服裝照型,我想是我所看過的韓劇中照型最多樣的,即時尚又美艷,之前還會為了女主角變換的服裝造型而期待著收看哩!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009

Korean BBQ is really tasty. We went to this restaurant many times with Mr. Cheng who likes this restaurant's BBQ very much. As the price of meat in Korea is high, here offers a reasonable price for a meal to customer. The restaurant is clean & comfortable, and even provides buffet. That is why many people like to come here to enjoy their food.

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
High Party

The party of Mr. Kim's high school reunion was held at seaside area last weekend. They rented a cottage for overnight in Busan . We were impressed with wonderful sea & sunset views here.

They had many activities for getting together. We had BBQ & dinner, fruits and of course Soju, and we sang songs & danced not only outside but also inside. What a special korean party they had! I am happy I joined their joyful reunion party at seaside.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Konglish 的產品
Thursday, July 16, 2009
small jungle in hotel

When you enjoy a breakfast or a cup of coffee in Lotte Hotel in Busan, you can see a real majestic tiger in the garden behind the coffee house/restaurant with glass. The design of garden is like a small jungle that have tropical high trees and animals on the trees in a modern hotel. The hotel manager knocked the glass to wake the tiger up for us when it was sleeping.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Koglish in Dongrae Pajun

We had friends, J1 & J2, from Japan last week. They went to play golf with Mr.Kim on the day time. Since J2 didn't bring her golf set from Japan, I lent mine to her. When I met them on Dong-Rae Halmae Pajun which is famous for green onion pancake,東萊蔥餅, in Busan, J2 thanked me for the golf set in English. Her English is good, and she told us that her parents live in Hawaii. There had 6 people using 4 languages that was Korean, Japanese, English and Chinses at the same time. Since I have been living in Korea for more then one year, Mr, Kim and I create Koglish by our own. We use English, Chinese, Korean even Taiwanese to communicate in our life. J2 said oishii after tasting each dishes. Mr. park that is good at Japanese told with them in Japanese. We had a wonderful night in Dong-rae Pajun when it was raining outside.
Here is one of websites which also introduce Busan and this restaurant http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=98836
P.S. As my koglish, for instance, I could say 여보 this dish 好吃 oishii 도 ......no grammar in any kind of languages.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
蔘雞湯 삼계탕

韓國人在夏天7、8月間最炎熱的初伏、中伏、末伏時,因大量流汗後要調整虛弱的體質,故有在夏天吃蔘雞湯補身的傳統。今晚我們也去進補了,比去年用餐時間還要提早到食堂,但還是客滿. 主菜在不到二分鐘內全上齊,可見今晚主人家準備多萬齊. 雞一人一隻,入口即化不誇張.
Friday, July 10, 2009

這部East of Eden韓劇從2008年演到2009年共56集,因為金婆婆都準時收看的關係,我也準時旁聽了一段日子.
這部戲裡的配樂及音樂都很好聽, 戲裡還有宋承憲op'a親口唱歌喔!
戲裡的角色又將宋承憲演技地位推至更高一層樓.這部戲另一個看頭,我想是服裝吧! 尤其是韓智慧變換了好多套戲服,美麗又時尚.
P.S. 1. 宋承憲好像比我小,所以不是我的歐霸.....我的歐霸是金先生
2. 月火劇的意思是星期一及星期二的劇,因為韓國的星期日到星期六的算法是.....日月火水木金土
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Big Crab
Friday, July 03, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
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