Thursday, June 30, 2011

Korea Unmasked

The Story of Korea as never told before!

In Korea Unmasked, Won-bok Rhie tells the story of the Korea people as it has never been told before. Rhie's personal insights provide a delightful and humorous portrait of the Korea people. It is comical yet serious, well-informed but objective. If you have time for just one book on Korea, try this one!

Monday, June 13, 2011



Monday, June 06, 2011


鮟鱇魚學名 Lophiiformes 又名琵琶魚Anglerfish (Goosefish),燈籠魚.


在日本關東,鮟鱇魚被喻人間極品,有所謂「西有河豚、東有鮟鱇」之稱。鮟鱇魚肉質緊密如同龍蝦般,結實不鬆散,纖維彈性十足,鮮美更勝一般魚肉,膠原蛋白十分豐富 (故洋人稱之為「窮人的龍蝦」)。日本人喜愛吃鮟鱇鍋,尤其是在冬天。除了火鍋,日本人還會以鮟鱇魚肝作為壽司,而鮟鱇魚肝更有海底鵝肝之稱,據稱有清熱解毒的美膚功能,一般食法為蒸或者是刺身。