Thursday, April 30, 2009


今晚與金婆婆外出去吃豆涼麵,搭公車回家的途中,金婆婆一直唸:叭哩叭嗄....她見我沒反應的張大雙眼看著她,就又手一揮大聲唸:叭哩叭嗄......叭哩叭嗄.....(媽!我是聽不懂,不是聾子,大聲唸我還是聽不懂!). 在公車上,就覺得金婆婆對我唸了一串咒語,我還是猜不出來她的意思.等下了公車,她的魔指一揮,咒語就靈驗了! 我懂了!
*叭哩叭嗄(叭哩叭給嗄)=paris baguette go 去巴黎麵包店的意思.
Paris Baguette cafe是韓國的精緻麵包連鎖店,裝潢時尚裡頭提供精緻西點麵包,蛋糕,咖啡,飲料還有賣冰棒等等.我家附近也新開了一家.
希望她的咒語能讓我的韓文全聽得懂all pass.







Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One of the Korean Superstars----Kim yu-na

2009 World Figure Skating Championships
Kim Yu-na (김연아, 金姸兒) born September 5, 1990 in South Korea, is a South Korean figure skater.She is the 2009 World champion. Kim holds the highest scores ever for women in short program, free skating programs, and she is also the first lady to have reached a total of over 200 points. Kim is the first skater to ever receive +2.00 Grade of Execution for jumps. She has received +2.00 Grade of Execution for her spiral sequence. She is one of the most highly recognized athletes and media figures in South Korea.

Fantastic flying dance with music on the ice

Monday, April 27, 2009

Horse shoes & Horse boots

We dropped in an office which be owned by one of friends last week. It's very interesting for me to visit this type of business. There have one Horse Racing Track in busan. I asked Mr.Kim that why not we go there someday.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

【最美墨彩 柯淑玲】


2009.4.18~5.18 【最美墨彩 柯淑玲2009】藝術客廰-開幕展
台灣第一家藝術客廳 『最美墨彩 柯淑玲 2009』台北敦南林蔭大道旁,寧靜高雅與光影共舞,迎接每一位輕推大門,以輕鬆自在欣賞藝術的貴賓。
開幕展『最美墨彩 柯淑玲』Opening : Ling Ko ~ Ink and Color
地點:台北市敦化南路二段112號 2F
展期:2009.4.18~5.18 11AM~8PM(週一至週五)

No. 72


Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Last night at Gaya 33

I went to the Gaya festival again with my mother-in-law on April 18, 2009. There had an orchestra & opera performance and were full of people to enjoy it at the last day of festival.

Using the wasted turf to make arts and decorations is a good concept of recycling.


等公車時還可以邊做運動.......It's a good idea


colorful spring

The bright green makes me smile all the time.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Korean Omelette 오무라이스

My mother-in-law showed me korean omelette today for our dinner. Since we had limited materials at home, we used what we had at hand.

Recipe Ingredients: (Yield: 3 Servings; Type: ham)
1 tbsp olive oil, 3 cups cooked / steamed rice, 1 onion, salt and black pepper to season ,4 eggs with milk, ketchup, ham, and kimchi (of course)

Cooking Directions:
Dice ham, onion, and kimchi. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and saute diced ham. Add diced onion and kimchi in the frying pan and saute together. Add steamed rice in the pan and mix well. Sprinkle some black pepper. Heat another frying pan and put some oilve oil. Whisk eggs in a bowl and pour the egg in the frying pan. Quickly spread the egg in the frying pan and make a thin, large, and round omelet.
Place ham rice in the middle of the omelet and fold top and bottom sides of omelet over the ham rice. Cover the frying pan with a plate and turn them over to place the omerice in the plate, and another way is that put ham rice into a bowl and turn them over to a plate to make a shape of bowl, and then cover the omelet with it. Put some ketchup on top of omurice and serve hot. (咦!不就日式蛋包飯或中式蛋炒飯嗎!? 韓式蛋包飯就是要有kimchi才有韓味)

Different variations of this dish can include peas, carrots, mushrooms, green peppers, and etc. Pork, beef, or chicken can be substituted for ham as well. (or any other choice of meat)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

33rd Gaya Cultural Festival

I like this small city a lot. It's a modern and diversified small city in korea. Gimhae city slogan: happy life together in Gimhae (healthy happiness city )
Festival Name: 33rd Gaya culture festival
When: April 11,2009~April 18, 2009
(the week of March 15 by lunar calendar)
What the festival features:
official events, folk, festival events,
experience-for-your-self events,
installation events, auxiliary events.
Location: Daeseongdong Gobungun, Sureungwon area.
More details

Ebook of Gimhae
Advertisement of Gimhae city

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Indoor golf course

Golf is a popular sport acitivity in Busan. There are many golf courses not only within the major hotels & resorts but also within the normal buildings. Probably the each player has his/her own golf club, and they have the competitive golf games regularly.
We visited this new course, seventy nine, in Haeundae area. It has a indoor screen golf course and a indoor practice course together, and supplies sauna & spa and a business area for customers. The decor was progressive and elegant, so there were full of people to playing golf. We had a great afternoon to stay there.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


很美的一首歌, 像福音詩歌.....送給幸福新人 Rex & Jasmine

真愛一生 作詞曲:黃國倫 主唱:張信哲 編曲:鮑比達

一片寧靜海 潮水正靜靜推動著愛
我陪你走在這海岸 享受午後的溫暖

緊緊擁著你 傾聽你過往的點點滴滴
傷痛是一定會過去 寬容是一種美麗

想與你 洗盡鉛華夢 共度 每一個黃昏
讓空氣之中充滿真愛 海天一色 親密唱和
不管未來日子如何 悲傷或是快樂

想與你 洗盡鉛華夢 共度 每一個黃昏
讓空氣之中充滿真愛 海天一色 親密唱和
不管未來日子如何 悲傷或是快樂
和你共度生命每一刻 和你珍愛生命每一刻

limited energy

We were happy to join a mountain climbing group that held by the high school friends of Mr.Kim on Sunday. To join this activity, we bought the special shoes for mountain climbing and prepared sushi for our lunch. There were more than twenty people present at the gathering station. After getting a folded chair and the sheet of information, we took a bus to our destination to start our exercise which took 5 hours to conquer. All the people were no problem to finish this goal except me. I climbed about 40 minutes and could not go any further,therefore Mr.Kim went with me down the mountain. He said that his friends all known my secret that I had limited energy to do exercise.
When we were on the bus back to pick up our car which parked in a parking lot of a MRT station, we found that we lost the mountain stick that friend lent us. The stick was on the bus station, and we already approached to the final station. Fortunately, the driver helped us to find it, and we bought him four bottles of drink for thank.
I learned a lesson from this experience that I need more exercise to improve my energy, otherwise I can to join the other activities with friends for amusement to enjoy the life.

대성동고분박물관 古墳博物館

Road of ancient tombs (actually it's an elevator)


This pose is my recently short-term goal to achieve for golf.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


現在韓國正流行韓版F4(꽃보다 남자 花漾男子),讓我想起當年年紀還小的外甥女小呆.那年台灣F4流星花園正紅,她跟著我姐妹倆每天一起看電視. 小孩子的學習力很強的,當時還不識字更別說懂英文了,但她每天也跟著廣告喊F4.
一天我問她:小呆,妳知道什麼是F4嗎? 她很認真的邊搖著手,邊挄著腦比著回答: 知道啊! ㄟ~~ 不是! (缺了門牙的發音)


Bella Citta

This Bella Citta french restaurant is located at Skycloud building in Haeundae (hotel) which I stayed at for my first time to visit Korea. The view of this high building face the beach, therefore, it's a good choice to stay here for holiday.
Y.J treated us there for lunch. I didn't take a photo of food, but the bread was really good. Come to see by yourself.


真的微笑 ~~

小麵包音樂窩 自彈自唱創作


掛滿星星的房間裡 掛滿我的心
每顆星星都在說想妳 都在說愛妳
數著一顆一顆的星星 數著我的心
數著一次一次的思念 想妳一遍又一遍
想要說 想妳 想要說 愛妳
想要有妳在身旁 輕呼吸 一起數星星

*一二三四五六七 七六五四三二一
我的淚和我的心 全都屬於妳
一二三四五六七 七六五四三二一
星星如果有聽見 請它告訴妳
我 愛 妳


船上有來自世界各國的志工,還有一系列的活動,晚上有表演,書展及假日的活動.在4/25晚上7:30高雄大學有國際之夜(free),將會有各國的國家的表演. 高雄後忠僕號會再停駐花蓮,有興趣者可前往參加相關活動,這可能是最後一年在台灣了, 官網:

Schedule - Port Detail
Port information for the Doulos visit to Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Arrival Date:April 2nd, 2009 - 12:00
Departure Date:April 29th, 2009 - 00:00
Opening Date:April 3rd, 2009
Closing Date:April 28th, 2009
Opening Hours:Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 to 22:00 Sunday and Monday: 14:00 to 22:00
Entry Fee:10 NTD
Port Notes:Parental Guidance for children under 13


女用站姿小便导流器 是女士在站姿或坐姿小便时使用的随身小用具,这是一个管状的导流器 带有吸水擦拭垫,小便完后可以立即擦净尿液,方便、卫生、省时、节水。该导流器完全外用,无痛苦无不适。不仅女士,对男士中的老人、病人、想保护隐私或想保暖的人也都有一定的实用价值。最近2、3年,在国际上辅助女性站起来小便的工具“女用小便导流器”有十多种之多,它们都不带有吸水擦拭垫。所以,该“女用站姿小便导流器”是最先进的。它可提高女性的生活质量和工作能力,特别是生病和出门在外时更需要它,其优点综述如下:1,能防止坐便池交叉感染;2,免除老、弱、病、残、小、孕的下蹲之苦;3,用它后,女士小便不用脱了再穿裤子,女性小便快了,可节省如厕时间; 4,消除了女性外出的后顾之忧,将增加女性参加各种活动的自信心;5,女士站着小便,可防止偷拍,比蹲着或者坐着小便都更雅观,更有利于保护隐私;6,女士的贡献-利国利民:女士也能站立小便了,于是建公厕省钱、省地、可不用水、可不用电、省劳力。可以多建站立小便处,不收费,无论男女都受益。7,改善投资环境,发展旅游事业:中国女士外出最大的顾虑就是怕小便急;外国女士就更怕了,因为她们不习惯我们的蹲便池,这都影响着投资环境和旅游事业。女性都站起来小便,将消除东西方小便文化的差异。


Friday, April 10, 2009



註: 韓文的動詞是在句子的後面,在春天的路上不小心吃下花瓣,吃花就變花吃了!

육개장 spicy beef soup

We had lunch with our friend, Mr. Kim, in a shop which offers spicy beef soup in Busan. The correct way to have this dish was put the rice into the soup. This soup was spicy but delicious. There always have a cup of water beside dishes for customers in korean restaurants since the most flavor of their food is spicy and strong.
Many koreans have a habit that they enjoy the food quick and have a second round after the meal. Therefore, we went to a coffee shop for our continuing chat.


這是Korean style開幕誌慶用的花籃,與台灣的有些....不同


P.S. 內用杯是使用可重覆用的厚塑膠杯.....就是要環保

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Vietnamese restaurant

There have many women who get married to korean men from the other countries especially from Vietnam. Therefore, The chain of veitnamese restaurant is popular here for Vietnamese.
We chose one day there for our lunch. The decor was nice and comfortable, and the noodle of vietnamese was delicious. It's full of an eastern flavor .