Chattanooga, the 4th largest city in the state, is located in Southeast Tennessee near the border of Georgia at the junction of four interstate highways. The city has received national recognition for the renaissance of its beautiful downtown and redevelopment of its riverfront.
People who love the out-of-doors use Chattanooga as a base for hang-gliding, bass fishing, mountain climbing and caving expeditions; the verdant Smoky Mountains and Tennessee River watershed support the greatest variety of flora of any area in the United States.
With its scenic beauty, stable population and economy, civic vitality and cross-sector partnerships, fiscal integrity, and strategic location, Chattanooga enters the 21st century as one of the most progressive and livable mid-size cities in the US. In this decade the city has won 3 national awards for outstanding "livability", and 9 Gunther Blue Ribbon Awards for excellence in housing and consolidated planning.
Chattanooga是田納西州Tennesses第四大城市,曾被評為美國「最適於居住的城市」之一, 該市環抱田納西河和可愛的山區景觀,在這裡可以看到Rock City、Chattanooga山谷和七個州的景色,是一個很有親和力的景點.
從紐奧良延著I59公路定速暢快行駛,由Louisiana州經過Alabama/Mississippi州再到Tennesses州,二人輪流開車及休息看風景. 在Chattanooga只待短短二天,這城市給人的感覺很舒服, 當地朋友說他們最喜歡在這裡的湖上釣魚,可惜我們沒有多餘行程仔細欣賞這裡的風景.