鎮海櫻花隧道鎮海有22萬多棵櫻花樹,一到春天,整個鎮海市區都是賞櫻花的勝地,其中最著名的是安民路、海軍基地司令部、帝皇山公園。安民路長5.6公里的櫻花路,平時也很少有車輛通行,是人們喜歡的休閒步道。海軍基地司令部多是樹齡老的櫻花樹,這裏只在軍港節期間對外開放,除了看櫻花,還能欣賞到和實物一樣大小的龜船。軍港節期間,可以坐內部迴圈巴士遊覽參觀司令部,約10-15分鐘;如果步行的話,只能看一部分,需要20分鐘左右。 在帝皇山公園,可以俯瞰鎮海市區的櫻花和附近的大海。爬一年臺階——因爲一共有365節臺階而得名,可以觀賞到路邊綻放的櫻花和迎春花。鎮海最具代表性的活動是軍港節,每年都有數十萬人次的遊客來。今年第49屆為期10天從4/1到4/10日. http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=21571&highlight=%E6%AB%BB%E8%8A%B1
有專業單眼相機拍櫻花群應該是最棒的.......我的相機拍不出現場的美感....... 我們選擇非假日且活動最少的一天(周三)避開人潮,但當日還是很多人. http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=69737 http://big5chinese.visitkorea.or.kr/cht/SI/SI_CH_2_13.jsp?cid=701457 

This festival takes places in Jinhae from April 1 to April 10, for 10 days, in which cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The origin of the festival goes back to April 13, 1952 when a statue of Admiral Lee Sun-shin was erected at Bukwon Rotary for the first time in Korea and a memorial service in honor of him began to be hold. It has been held annually since 1963 to remember his patriotic spirit and developed to be one of typical spring festivals, in which locals and tourists can enjoy seeing the beautiful sight of cherry blossom in full bloom as participating joyful cultural art events and going around market full of products from all parts of Korea. With a long historic tradition of 40 years, it has become a famed tourist attraction, drawing more than 1 million tourists to Jinhae city yearly.