Wednesday, September 12, 2012
The Thieves

The Thieves (Hangul: 도둑들) is a 2012 South Korean heist film directed by Choi Dong-hun with an all-star ensemble cast. Splashy action in overseas locations is mixed with double-dealings and multiple betrayals as a gang of South Korean thieves team up with a Hong Kong crew to steal a diamond necklace from a heavily-guarded casino safe in Macau.
電影 (盜賊們) 講述韓國和中國的10名大盜為盜取稀有寶石"太陽之淚"而孤軍奮戰的過程,因聚集全智賢,金秀炫,金允鍚,李政宰,金惠秀,任達華,李心潔等電影界大牌明星而成話題, 喻為韓版的瞞天過海( Ocean's Eleven) .
因3D & 4D電影的關係,現在椅子有震動的功能隨著音樂情節起伏. 椅背後還設有掛勾供包包使用,真貼心.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Black' Smith
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
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