Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
方頭獅 The Square-Headed Lion
米各說:當方頭獅遇上了圓頭獅群,與眾不同的驕傲,一下子摻進了酸酸的味道;可是.... 想不到的驚訝卻隨之而來。你呢? 你也是與眾不同的方頭獅嗎?
米各說MigSaid- 台灣原創的溫暖動畫,邀請你用最純真的心情,看一個屬於你的獨特世界。
由 遊戲橘子:創意中心 原創製作。獲得海內外邀展及得獎肯定;並受日本Cartoon Network、英國Nick JR頻道青睞播送。
Friday, October 28, 2011
Busan International Gift & Promotion Fair

The International Gift & Promotion Fair is one of the most renowned Trade Fair to be held in Busan, Korea. Being organized by Messe Korea Inc, the Fair is better known as BUSANGIFT 2011. The International Gift & Promotion Fair promises to provide its visitors and exhibitors a global market for their products and services. There are approximately 250 companies expecting to participate in the BUSANGIFT 2011 with around 400 display booths. Around 20,000 visitors are expected to visit this year in this Fair. The organizers are looking forward to a gathering wherein International buyers and sellers will get an opportunity to showcase their products and services.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Monday, October 03, 2011
Korea Air
Korea Air 是南韓最大的航空公司;同時也是亞洲最具規模的航空公司之一,屬於SkyTeam Alliance的成員之一.
推一下Korea Air, 尤其飛長途+經濟艙. 有~~~~
5.觸碰螢幕 (電影,音樂,遊戲......)
8. 其它均同別家航空公司
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
布拉格是充滿童話色彩的旅遊城市, 建築藝術 + 交通便利= 無處不浪漫

We enjoyed the outstanding sights of the Praha city & magical view of the Prague Castle at middle of September.
We also took one day to visite the picturesque medieval town of Cesky Krumlov. Ceksy Krumlov castle is the second largest in the country after Prague castle that is a medieval town in Southern Bohemia along the banks of River Vltava and has kept its almost fairy-tale charm untill today and by right is registered at UNESCO heritage list. The historical centre is created by narrow and bended little streets with a number of gothic, renaissance and baroque houses that originated as mansions of noblemen families.
reference: http://www.praguewalker.com/group-tour.html
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
J: 這個很好吃! (雖然金婆婆放了很多Seasoning,而且它還是生的 )
T: 那~你一定要嚐嚐台灣的烏魚子,日本人很愛的喔!
J: 這個日本人也很愛啊! 很多食材都會用到哩! 連妳愛吃的炒飯上面放的魚卵也是它呀!
T: 蝦咪! 那個會在嘴巴裡碰碰跳的就是它呀! (另眼相看)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Birdie Buddy
[劇 名]:Birdie Buddy 버디버디
[播 送]:韓國TVN
[類 型]:TVN 月火劇
[首 播]:2011年08月08日
[時 間]:每周一二晚11點10分
[接 檔]:需要浪漫
[導 演]:윤상호 (MBC 垂涎之島)
[編 劇]:권인찬 (SBS 勝負史 電影:하면된다/Just Do It)
[主 演]:UIE 李多熙 尹宥善 楊姬瓊 吳賢慶 劉仁娜 池智熙(童) 樸榮隣 李龍宇 尹基元 樸成雄 金正學 [集 數]:預計24集
[簡 介]:高爾夫武俠劇《Buddy Buddy》是改編自李賢世同名漫畫的《Buddy Buddy》。演員陣容包括UIE、李龍宇、李美淑、尹宥善、楊姬瓊等。在電視劇中,UIE扮演的成美秀(音譯)將從一名江原道少女長成為一代“高爾夫球女皇”。
"Birdie Buddy" tells the story of former pro golfer John Lee and how he leads two women to become the next golf queens. John Lee became the first Korean to win a PGA title. His background was a mystery other than the fact that he was an adoptee. Aside from golf, he also excelled in the Afro-Brazilian dance/martial arts style known as "Capoeira." Even though he found success by winning the PGA title, John Lee stopped playing golf to become a golf course tester.
Min Hae Ryung was raised to become an elite golf player and was always placed in the best environment to play golf. Her emotions have always been controlled and she has a deep wound inside of her. In contrast, Sung Mi Soo is a country girl from Kangwon Province. She comes from a poor background, but her mom worked as caddie. With her bright personality and determined efforts, she attempts to become an elite golf player.
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
To See Me
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Korea's Got Talent
今年韓國達人秀總冠軍, 최성봉勝算很大,加油!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Han-Na Chang
Han-Na Chang (Korean: 장한나) (born December 23, 1982) is a South Korean cellist and conductor.
慧黠伶俐的眼神 + 調皮的表情 & 純熟的技巧令人難以忘懷,看了又看,聽了又聽,影片看完情緒激動難平復(鼓掌)
慧黠伶俐的眼神 + 調皮的表情 & 純熟的技巧令人難以忘懷,看了又看,聽了又聽,影片看完情緒激動難平復(鼓掌)
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Korea Unmasked
The Story of Korea as never told before!
In Korea Unmasked, Won-bok Rhie tells the story of the Korea people as it has never been told before. Rhie's personal insights provide a delightful and humorous portrait of the Korea people. It is comical yet serious, well-informed but objective. If you have time for just one book on Korea, try this one!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Monday, June 06, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Grand Canyon

A Land to Inspire our spirit
Grand Canyon--one of Earth's most powerful, inspiring landscapes--overwhelms our senses.
Grand Canyon--one of Earth's most powerful, inspiring landscapes--overwhelms our senses.
大峽谷是自然的贈與,是超越凡人經歷永恆存在,它的美麗和壯闊讓人感到謙卑,其亙古恆久讓人感到生命的短暫. 大峽谷的壯闊讓許多人在平日繁忙的生活裡找到慰藉.
The Grand Canyon is one of the 7 wonder places in the world to visit that my sister told me few years age when she was there and sent me a post card. she told me that you should come and see by yourself, it's more beautiful than the pictures. After I visited the Grand Canyon, now I totally agree.
Monday, April 11, 2011
鎮海櫻花隧道鎮海有22萬多棵櫻花樹,一到春天,整個鎮海市區都是賞櫻花的勝地,其中最著名的是安民路、海軍基地司令部、帝皇山公園。安民路長5.6公里的櫻花路,平時也很少有車輛通行,是人們喜歡的休閒步道。海軍基地司令部多是樹齡老的櫻花樹,這裏只在軍港節期間對外開放,除了看櫻花,還能欣賞到和實物一樣大小的龜船。軍港節期間,可以坐內部迴圈巴士遊覽參觀司令部,約10-15分鐘;如果步行的話,只能看一部分,需要20分鐘左右。 在帝皇山公園,可以俯瞰鎮海市區的櫻花和附近的大海。爬一年臺階——因爲一共有365節臺階而得名,可以觀賞到路邊綻放的櫻花和迎春花。鎮海最具代表性的活動是軍港節,每年都有數十萬人次的遊客來。今年第49屆為期10天從4/1到4/10日. http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=21571&highlight=%E6%AB%BB%E8%8A%B1
有專業單眼相機拍櫻花群應該是最棒的.......我的相機拍不出現場的美感....... 我們選擇非假日且活動最少的一天(周三)避開人潮,但當日還是很多人. http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=69737 http://big5chinese.visitkorea.or.kr/cht/SI/SI_CH_2_13.jsp?cid=701457 

This festival takes places in Jinhae from April 1 to April 10, for 10 days, in which cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The origin of the festival goes back to April 13, 1952 when a statue of Admiral Lee Sun-shin was erected at Bukwon Rotary for the first time in Korea and a memorial service in honor of him began to be hold. It has been held annually since 1963 to remember his patriotic spirit and developed to be one of typical spring festivals, in which locals and tourists can enjoy seeing the beautiful sight of cherry blossom in full bloom as participating joyful cultural art events and going around market full of products from all parts of Korea. With a long historic tradition of 40 years, it has become a famed tourist attraction, drawing more than 1 million tourists to Jinhae city yearly.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
香蕉牛奶 (바나나우유)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

高雄駁二特區, 日本3D幻視藝術畫展"奇幻.不思議".
立體魔幻、腦力激盪、大冒險、無疆界動物園、美夢成真及世界名畫KUSO等六大主題系列. 還有很多好看的名畫作品沒有拍照秀出來, 台北教科館3/5-5/29展出,可以去看看喔!
Friday, March 18, 2011
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